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Install Dbp Gimp Windows 10

  1. Gimp Windows 10 64-bit
  2. Gimp

Hi there Sanzoghenzo, I am not an expert, but I wonder if there is a translation problem for DBP, and so the menu option does not appear? Still, it is worth double-checking the locations you’ve tried adding the plugin to first – I would think that was the most likely explanation. Here is my path for 2.6 (binary install) and 2.7 (macports install) – they appear to happily share it: /Users/jon/Library/Application Support/Gimp/plug-ins/dbp Unzipped, the ‘dbp’ binary is 191848 bytes in size – does that match what you have? If that doesn’t help, check the permissions on the file as well – you never know if that might help! Hi avamk,.

Gimp Windows 10 64-bit


What’s the path of your plugin folder, as per your Preferences pane?. Have you confirmed that the uncompressed file is of the size I stated above?. Make sure you don’t leave the zip file in the plugins folder. It doesn’t seem to affect my system, but if it’s not working for you, it would be the first thing I’d try. Have you checked the user/group/permissions on the plugin file?

It’s a long shot, but worth checking. Both: I was going to suggest running gimp with “gimp –verbose”, but with my (working) plugin there doesn’t appear to be any plugin output at all upon start-up. Incidentally, there may be something about 2.6.11 that changes how a plugin is compiled (though I’d think it unlikely, given that the 2.7.x works fine). If you get a crash when you use the menu option reliably, then try this. Start up gimp on the command line, as above, and then note the CLI output prior to the crash. You will then have something to search for on the web – for which a solution may already exist 🙂 (Edit: oh yes – if you have the macports Gimp installed, compile the plugin yourself; it is very quick and easy!).

General update – I uninstalled gimp2-devel (my macports version) and the plugin now crashes every time I try to launch it from the binary version of Gimp. I presume it is the same as this problem, experienced when I execute the plugin from the CLI: dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgimpui-2.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/jon/Library/Application Support/Gimp/plug-ins/./dbp Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap I am presently re-installing gimp via macports, and will see if I can compile the plugin with all dependencies included. Watch this space! You’re right, the libraries are indeed all inside the Gimp.app package; however, if you have the same situation as me, they are of too early a version. That is, if you download the binary-only copy of Gimp, the libraries will be for 2.6, but since I used 2.7 from MacPorts to provide the dependencies, it will require the 2.7 libraries (using the 2.6 versions will result in a run-time error explaining this).

I could build DBP against the 2.6 version, but I would need the right C header files I think, in the right place, which may be somewhat beyond my understanding! Anyway, if you don’t have macports and/or you don’t want the hassle of building 2.7 yourself, try my “Update 2” above – I think it will fix it for you. Hi Rich, I’d expect that to work – I am running 10.6.8 as well. The libraries need to show up in /opt/local/lib/. – hence my approach of symlinking them from /gimp-deps.

Did you do the symlink as well? If that doesn’t work, try moving them from /gimp-deps/.


to /opt/local/lib/. and restarting gimp. Play around with permissions as well, in case gimp can’t see the libraries. Failing that, try executing the dbp plugin from the command line, and tell us what you get (it won’t run it correctly, but it will help us diagnose if there is a problem with it).

I have OS X 10.7. I downloaded GIMP (2.6.11) and both the links in Jon’s original blog. I’m getting the error message discussed earlier: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gimp/./dbp Reason: image not found Lion’s X11 is version 2.6.3.

Would it screw up Lion if I stored X11 2.0 in /opt/local/lib? If not, where can I find it to download? If it would mess things up, is there any way to make things work with Lion?

Hi Ken, My limited understanding is that if the file “/opt/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.0.dylib” does not already exist on your machine, then it is fine to put a copy there to satisfy the dependency in my dbp binary. However there could be quite a list of dependencies even if that one does work!

The best approach would be to install macports and install the dev version of Gimp, which will load all the stuff you need to compile dbp on Lion. However bear in mind the recompilation for this is an overnight job! Would it help if I were to put up the libgtk-x11-2.0.0 files in a tarball? They may not work, but it could be worth a try.

Hmm, running out of ideas! My plugin is in a different location to yours though, might be worth moving it thus: /Users/jon/.gimp-2.7/plug-ins/dbp (obviously switch the username and the Gimp version). Also, try switching the permissions to 777 to be on the safe side in /opt/local/lib (although mine are 644 and 655, so yours should be ok).

How do you get the error message, btw? I found the best way to debug dependencies is to run the binary from the command line, as if it were an ordinary executable. If it won’t start up, it will output errors; if all is good it will say “X is a GIMP plug-in and must be run by GIMP to be used”. If you are still stuck, I’d recommend Apple/StackExchange, as there’s a bunch of very knowledgeable experts there.

If you get some external help, please do post what you find here – I expect it would be useful generally. I found the error text by looking at the Console and finding an incident with the right date-time stamp.

Given that GIMP finds everything else in the Application Support folder (which it created at install), I can’t see why it would go looking for a.gimp-2.6.11 folder. There are other plug-ins in that folder that it finds.

In trying to change permissions I just realized that the only libgtk files in the directory are symbolic links/aliases. But when I do a Get Info on them they don’t point to anything. That would explain why GIMP is not a happy camper.

I did this sleuthing in Finder, while I used the command line to do the install per the instructions you gave. What I don’t know is if in installing something else yesterday the files got deleted somehow or if they were never there to begin with. I am not a Unix guy, so I don’t know what might happen if I try to rerun your install or if I try to do all the steps in Finder rather than Terminal. I think you were taking the right path to switch to the Macports approach – we could have been here until the cows come home otherwise (you find a dep, I bundle it up, post it on the blog, you find another dep 😉 ). I suggest your next port of call is to pick out the error message from the Macports compilation, and put it on StackOverflow or whatever Macports help channel. I’d be surprised if Gimp via Macports won’t work on Lion! Still, you could always use ImageMagick instead – does batch operations nicely and is very flexible.

Maybe that would suit your requirements.

I was happy to have come across the dbp plug-inthanks to this mailing list! But I'm not having too much sucsess installing it. I'm a win xp-gimp user (dummie). I've downloaded all required dll files, and locatede it all in the bin folder under gimp (is this correct?). Yet I'm getting the following error message: gtkfileselectiongetfilenameuft8 initial point of procedure not found in the library of dynamic connections, libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll.

Anybody who can explain to me what to do?